By: Stephen Leverton

In local news, The Appalachian reports that early voting has started for Boone’s municipal election. On the ballot this election cycle is Boone’s mayor position as well as all 5 of Boone’s town council seats. Early voting will run in the Student Union from October 18th through the 30th, with Election Day falling on November 2nd.
In state news, WRAL reports that Democratic Congressman David Price announced on October 18th that he will be retiring from Congress after his term is up in December 2022. Price has been in Congress since the 1980s and served as the Triangle’s main representative. Democrats and Republicans alike praised Price for his time in office and wished him the best.
In national news, NBC News reports that Democrats will be dropping free community college from their final social spending bill. Progressive Democrats wanted to keep it, hoping that free tuition would decrease poverty levels. Republicans in Congress do not support the bill. The bill would also affect how climate change is handled in the United States. While the partisan bill isn’t set in stone yet, the social spending bill is expected to range from $1.75 trillion to $1.9 trillion.
Your Boone weather is brought to you by! Wednesday’s afternoon weather has partial clouds as temperatures reach a high of 69 degrees and a low of 44 degrees. Make sure to wear a coat if going out to the game tonight.