By Jackie Park

In campus news, App State reported two new clusters of COVID-19 over the weekend.
The Appalachian reported that the school announced clusters in Alpha Delta Pi Sorority and Raven Rocks Residence Hall.
The Appalachian reported that among the 9 members of Alpha Delta Pi who tested positive, seven are recovering in active isolation and two are recovered. In Raven Rocks, seven people have tested positive and all are recovering in active isolation.
In state news, Senator Kamala Harris will be in Raleigh today.
The Charlotte Observer reported that the vice presidential nominee will first give a speech on President Donald Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court and the issues that her views could change for Americans.
Harris will also take part in a roundtable with Black North Carolinians about voting.
In national news, the first debate for the 2020 presidential election, which will be hosted by Fox News, will take place Tuesday.
The New York Times reports that the debate, which will be moderated by Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace, will air on every major network from 9-10:30 p.m., commercial free.
100 million people are expected to tune in to the debate.