By Mickey Hutchings

In campus news, students and instructors hosted a virtual talk with Climate Leader and activist Ayana Johnson to discuss topics like how to solve the climate crisis and the intersectionality of race and climate change. Johnson also discussed her quote-un-quote “Blue New Deal,” which she created employing her background of marine biology while advising Senator Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 presidential campaign. The Blue New Deal prompts lawmakers to focus on the ocean as well as the other concerns highlighted by Green New Deal. Overall, 250 members of the App State community joined Johnson to bring awareness to issues surrounding the climate crisis, and how leaders can solve it.
In local news, state Republicans are unhappy after North Carolina Senator Richard Burr broke rank with a majority of Senate Republicans to convict former President Donald Trump during his impeachment trial last week. After hearing from both sides of the trial to convict Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors as well as violence against the United States, Burr voted to find the former president guilty. The Central Committee of the North Carolina Republican Party unanimously voted to censure Burr on Monday. A censure is a quote “formal statement of disapproval,” according to A censure will not remove Burr from office, but it serves as a denouncement of his vote to convict Trump.
In national news, a once-in-a-generation winter storm has left nearly three million Texans without electricity, according to The New York Times. With more winter storm warnings across multiple counties, Texas is bracing itself for another weather shock. Severe power outages due to winter weather have been reported in several other parts of the country according to the Times, with 160,000 people in Oregon without electricity as of this morning. The winter weather has also led to the death of at least 30 people in the U.S. over the course of a week.
And now for your Wednesday afternoon weather report courtesy of Cold air from severe winter weather in other parts of the country made its way to the Appalachias yesterday, which will result in cloudy skies and a wintery mix late tonight. Make sure to bundle up today, with the temperature high at 36 degrees and a low at 26 degrees.