Masks have become a new accessory as well as a necessity of daily life throughout the globe. They come in different shapes, sizes, colors, patterns, materials, etc. Some have taken advantage of the demand for masks by producing their own, while others have their typical surgical masks typically worn by medical professionals. There are other options to explore than a face mask to protect yourself from COVID-19. Bandanas, scarves, or anything made of cotton is examples of great options to protect yourself if you do not have access to a traditional face mask.
For Appalachian State, it is required that masks are to be worn on campus when social distancing is not possible. Many classes are also online or a mix of face-to-face classroom setting and online. The required course for students, ‘Protecting Yourself and Others From Infectious Disease’ was designed to provide students with how to handle attending school during a pandemic. The course emphasizes how masks are not a substitute for social distancing. The emphasis of social distance still remains as a form of protecting oneself and others from COVID-19.
In regards to face coverings/masks, they are to be worn on campus by all faculty, staff, and students except when participating in outdoor activities such as jogging or rock climbing, when student athletes are competing or practicing their sport, and when speakers are delivering in a large group gathering (for example the Chancellor speaking at graduation).
Otherwise, masks are mandatory in situations where social distancing is not possible. Social distancing should be practiced whenever applicable. In order to make this school year safe for everyone, these regulations and be aware of how choices and how they impact others.
How To Make Your Own Mask:
Press Release, Town of Boone. (2020, June 19). Town of Boone Mask Mandate FAQ. Watauga
Policy Manual. Appalachian State University. Face Coverings in Response to COVID-19.