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PM News Break 10/26/21

News Staff

By: Clyde Cohen

The Watauga Democrat reports in local news that on October 21st, a horse was rescued in Zionville after becoming trapped in a drained pond for multiple hours. The horse appeared to be healthy after its saving, however, as Watauga County does not have a specific animal rescue service, the Zionville Fire Department, as well as a towing service were called in to take care of the incident.

In national news, The New York Times journals that a report that was published last week documents that a Utah school district in Salt Lake City has ignored mass reports of racial harassment across a span of multiple years. According to the report, the Davis School district, Utah’s second largest across the state, had been allowing many cries of protest from Black and Asian students about discrimination they faced from other students, and, occasionally, school faculty members, to go unheard. In a statement, the district promised to correct these practices, assuring students, families, and the Justice Department that they take the findings very seriously. A number of former students, however, expressed skepticism that correction would happen anytime soon.

Internationally, NPR reports that greenhouse gas emissions reached a new high in 2020, despite the COVID-19 lockdowns slowing the world economy. The World Meteorological Organization stated concerns about this new carbon record, sharing that the goal of reducing carbon emissions is now “way off track.” However, next week, international officials will meet in Glasgow, Scotland to assess the climate crisis in a meeting called the “Conference of the Parties.” Here’s to hoping they can find new ways to meet new climate goals.

Today’s weather update is brought to you by Expect a cloudy day with a high of 50 and a low of 36, with the possibility of rain showers.

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