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Afternoon News Update, 3/31/21

News Staff

By Mickey Hutchings

In campus news, App State students and faculty are now eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccines in Watauga County. According to The Appalachian, AppHealthCare is increasing their eligibility requirements due to an increased supply of vaccines. For the rest of North Carolina, all adults are able to get their vaccine beginning April 7th. App State is administering the one-dose Johnson and Johnson shot at its vaccine clinics today and tomorrow at Holmes Convocation Center. You can sign up for your vaccine through AppHealthCare or the university. Those under 18 can contact AppHealthCare or Boone Drug to receive the Pfizer vaccine, which is the only vaccine approved for use by those 16 and older.

In state news, Governor Roy Cooper signed three executive orders yesterday that extend COVID-19 relief to residents. The state will extend its eviction moratorium until June 30th in accordance with the nationwide moratorium extension to the same date. The Watauga Democrat reports that the federal government allocated $700 million dollars in relief for North Carolina renters and landlords. Additionally, the governor also announced that North Carolina will expedite its processing of unemployment claims until June 30th and will also extend the authorization of carry-out drinks from businesses through April 30th.

In national news, President Biden will unveil a $2 trillion dollar infrastructure plan today to make good on his campaign promise to equip the middle class to compete in the global economy. The New York Times reports that the package will result in 20,000 miles of re-built roads, repairs to 10 large, economically important bridges, the elimination of lead pipes in water line construction projects and more. The spending will take place over 10 years and will also aim to accelerate efforts to curb climate change by shifting to new, cleaner energy sources and promote racial equity in the economy.

And now for your afternoon weather update courtesy of Expect showers through the afternoon into the evening along with colder temperatures. Today’s high is 61 degrees and the low is 28 degrees.

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