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10/05/22 AM News Break

News Staff

By Reagan Wall

In local news, F.A.R.M Cafe will enter its second decade in the High Country. Since May of 2012 the cafe has been fighting food insecurity and creating community involvement in Boone. Over the last ten years they have been expanding their assistance with outreach programs such as providing school lunches, helping out the Hospitality House, and by creating Full Circle. According to The Watauga Democrat a decision was made to reorganize the leadership of F.A.R.M cafe to ensure long term sustainability.

In state news, a donation made to UNC Chapel Hill will create a youth suicide prevention center. According to The Carolina Journal the move comes after teen suicide rates have increased since 2020 because of Covid-19. The 25 million dollar donation made by UNC alum William Starling and his wife, Dana, will not only create the suicide prevention center, but will also create UNC School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry. The Starling’s made their donation in honor of their sons Tyler and Gregory who were victims of suicide.

In national news, the reported explosion at Northeastern University has turned out to be false. The Boston FBI announced in a tweet Tuesday that an arrest had been made and it was later revealed that it was Jason Duhaime, the new technology manager. According to NBC News Jason had called 911 and told them that he had been impaled by something sharp after a case with a violent not had exploded. When the police arrived they found no evidence that anything had occurred. When Jason was questioned he stuck by his story and said he had not made it up.

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