News Staff

Feb 4, 2022

2/3/22 PM News Break

By: Devin Stewart

In local news, The Watauga Democrat reports citizens in Watauga County will benefit from eight grants worth 56-thousand five hundred dollars. The Blue Ridge Energy Members Foundation, founded in 2007, awarded the grants for the 2021 grant cycle. The Foundation prioritizes projects in the areas of health, wellness, education, youth and economic and community development. Since 2007, the Foundation has awarded over 1.4 million dollars in community grants. Local Watauga agencies receiving grants this past year include the Children’s Council of Watauga County and the Hunger and Health Coalition. Anyone with questions, or agencies interested in applying for grants, may contact Tasha Rountree at 828–759–8994.

In state news, WRAL reports a data scientist and former Peace Corps volunteer joined the North Carolina House of Representatives. Rep. Caleb Rudow is succeeding longtime Rep. Susan Fisher of Asheville. Fisher, who joined the House in 2004, resigned effective Monday. She announced her decision to step down in late November. Rudow was sworn in Tuesday. Rudow says he intends to run for a full two-year term, beginning with the primary set for May 17.

In national news, NPR reports the two most prominent groundhogs have different predictions on what the weather has in store. Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, meaning six more weeks of winter. However, if you are looking forward to some warmer weather, Staten Island Chuck did see his shadow, meaning an early spring. Both rodents have mixed track records at predicting weather. According to data from the Stormfax Almanac, Punxsutawney Phil has an accuracy rate of 39 percent, while Staten Island Chuck has an 85 percent accuracy rate. Here in the high country, we must watch and see what the rest of this winter has in store following a snowy and cold January.

This afternoon’s weather report is brought to you by Boone Weather dot com. Don’t forget your rain gear as you head out this afternoon. Rain will continue throughout the afternoon, especially overnight. Winds will be 5 to 15 miles per hour out of the southwest. Expect high temperatures around 52 degrees with low temperatures falling to 45 degrees.